Saturday, February 21, 2009

This is how one ends up in bankruptcy, I spent $40,000 on just 2 American Express credit cards last year

I have spent that last couple of days pulling all my receipts so I can get my taxes done and in the process, saw my 2 Amex card year end summary reports.  I spent close to $40,000 on those 2 cards alone.

Here's the breakdown
$11,000 was for child care 
$ 2100 dinner/take out/entertainment 
$ 600 drugstore stuff
$10,000 retail/mail order (this is a mish mash of clothes, birthday/xmas gifts, Jenny Craig (no more) - what the heck was I buying at the container store??? 
$3800 - supermarket 
$670 - Entertainment (includes Mary Poppins tickets)
$2300 - my face (I am going to have to wait awhile for restalyne) 
$2000 - cable/phone
$900 - NY sports club 

Before anyone starts to hyperventilate, I don't owe $40,000 since $30, 000 was on my platinum card and is paid off every month. My other card only has $400 on it. 

Needless to say my priority next week is pull together a budget (wasn't that one of my new year's resolution) as some of you probably  caught that I only detailed 2 of my cards. 


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