Monday, August 17, 2009

Support ShopRite Partners In Caring Program

Did you know that more than 36 million Americans (11 percent of U.S. households) suffer from Food Insecurity - food insecurity is when you are unsure when or what your next meal will be? I sure didn't.

I wanted to tell you about ShopRite Partners in Caring Program that is working to reduce that number. For the past 10 years, the company has donated $2 million annually to local food banks - $20 Million to date. Given these troubled economic times, there is more need for food assistance than ever in our communities and we need to get the word out!

That’s why I am asking for your help.

Every time a customer (that means you, your family, your friends) purchases products with the ShopRite Partners in Caring shelf tag, they support the brands that support the fight against hunger. At ShopRite, customers are not just filling a grocery bag, they are helping to fill empty bowls for thousands of hungry families in your community.

ShopRite Partners in Caring supports 23 regional food banks and more than 1,400 charitable agencies with food or meal replacements.

In addition to shopping at ShopRite, you can also send in a tax-deductible donation to the ShopRite Partners In Caring Fund or click here to make an on-line donation.

For more information on the ShopRite Partners in Caring Program, visit


JosiahsMommy said...

This is a great program. Thank you for posting about it!

Lisa said...

Great cause. Loved that many people are giving the public awareness :) We need to know this :)

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