Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Get Out The Passports - A Trip to Brooklyn

New Yorkers like to think of themselves as more sophisticated than suburbanites.... but at the end of the day, our weekend habits are no different than any one else in the country. We run our kids to events, birthday parties, gymnastics/ballet/soccer classes, brunch, shop, run errands, except we do it all within a 10-20 block radius.

When have to leave our 20 block radius, oh good lord, the whining.  I am no exception. So this past weekend, one of my daughter's godmother had a dinner party, the first one in years, I might add. (I say that to tweak her since I know she reads this blog and I thank her for her support.) And where does she live? Brooklyn. Don't get me wrong, I love Brooklyn, it's beautiful, the people are nice and you get more bang for your buck, real estate wise. But and there is always a but. It's far from where we live. It takes about 45 minutes to get out there so we don't have a habit of just dropping by.  I wish.

Needless to say, the trip was worth our getting our passports out and heading to visit with her. She has an amazing view of the Verrazzano Bridge. The food and company was excellent.

I hope she doesn't wait so long to invite us back. Hint, Hint.


Big City Dad said...

Too funny NYCSM! I totally relate. It's a rare day the Miss M and I venture off the Upper East Side. When we do, it's a huge production. NYC is such a weird place because just as you said, you can do EVERYTHING you need to do in a 10 block radius. For those of you not from NYC, that means 1/2 mile in either direction! Talk about a small world. A trip to the outer boroughs might as well be California. And forget it if you live on the Upper West or Upper East Side. There are no subways that go through Central Park, so unless you're willing to take the slow bus or and expensive cab, it's a rare day you see the other side of the city. Central Park might as well be the former Berlin Wall!!!

NYC Single Mom said...

Big City Dad I hear you. Coming to the Upper East Side entails intense planning that involves a museum/Centrail so as to make our trip meaningful. Playdates are not enough to get the passport out.

Divina said...

I was in Brooklyn this past Sunday for an event and it has changed. All the new stores, salons and everything. Definitely worth the drive from CT.

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